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Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Sciences

Chair of Mobile Intelligent User Interfaces - Prof. Dr. Daniel Buschek

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Prof. Dr. Daniel Buschek

Professor of Mobile Intelligent User Interfaces,
Head of Research Group                                                                                               

Room: 1.40 (AI Building)
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-7775
E-mail: daniel.buschek@uni-bayreuth.de

▹ Personal website · Google scholar · Mastodon ·​ LinkedIn

Florian Lehmann

Doctoral Researcher
Room: 1.49 (AI Building)

▹ Personal Website · Google Scholar

Hai Dang

Doctoral Researcher
​Room: 1.49 (AI Building) 


Tim Zindulka

Doctoral Researcher
Room: 1.49 (AI Building)

Jannek Sekowski

Student Researcher​


Sven Goller

Student Researcher​


Samuel Richter

Student Researcher​



Karim Benharrak

Student Researcher (until 2023); visiting researcher at CMU; PhD student at at the University of Texas Austin.


Niklas Markert

Student Researcher​ (until 2022)


Profilbild Oliver Schmitt

Oliver Schmitt

Student Researcher​ (until 2021)


Webmaster: Dr. Daniel Buschek

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